“These THUGS
are dishonoring
the memory of George Floyd...
Donald Trump has been spewing hate and inciting violence against Black people for decades. He’LL NEVER CHANGE.
health care
COvid -19
17 million Black
people COULD
lose health care
if Trump repeals
Don't bet your life on it. Black people are 3 times more likely to get infected with COVID-19, and 2 times more likely to die from it. The Trump administration's attacks on health care over the last 4 years have left Black people disproportionately vulnerable to the pandemic.
Black workers
are twice as
likely to have lost their jobs
during Trump’s
Trump is running America into the ground. Under Trump, we hit the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. Black people are more likely to be out of work but less likely to receive unemployment benefits. And about 95% of Black-owned businesses were left out of COVID relief, leading to more than 40% of them to close for good.
“it's time to
America's soul
It’s not only about being capable of leading us through this economic and public health crisis, it’s about someone who’s actually INVESTED in dismantling systemic racism with systemic solutions so we can become a united country once again.